All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN

About Me

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I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pretty Girl Felt Bad Because Of Her EGO.

I believe you would like to be associated with leaders don't sit down for things to get out of hand but leaders who are concerned and provides solution?

As I was coming from a dusty curve into a main dusty street, the sun was scorching and made me thirst. As I entered the main street, I saw this beautiful young girl, I mean beautiful! There was an old lady with a stick limping behind her. This young lady had just finished drinking from a sachet water and proudly threw the empty plastic waste onto the road like she was throwing a tennis ball.

It suddenly caught my attention and I said," a beautiful girl like you and you are acting this way?" Her face gestured the guiltiness of her act, it made her paused, looked back at the plastic and looked back at me again(I stood to see what she would do next). As she took another step from egotism, the old lady(her grand mother) picked the rubber behind her.

I felt something within and I busted out saying, "Your grand-mum have picked the rubber". I think she motioned to her grand-mum and the old lady dropped it unto the ground.

I went back and picked the went plastic water sachet, straightened it, folded it and placed it into my pocket to put in a bin I will see.

The young girl asked me, but the enviroment is already dirty? I replied that, she should serve as an example for others to follow so that, the place will be clean.

Her ego again, made her interrupt by saying "its okay! Its okay!

So as I want to be associated with a noble cause, I believe so do you?
Then lets be conscious of your acts, let them be geared towards doing the RIGHT things even when no one is watching.

With a clean mind, we will see a clean Ghana.

"Clean Mind, clean Ghana"campaign project.

Thank you.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Education the Foundation of Society

 “Education is more than a luxury; it’s the responsibility that society owes to itself” – Robin Cook

“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”- G.K. Chesterton

Society and education are bedmates. Since time in memorial, society and education had rub shoulders with each other to augment the progressive development of humanity. And for that matter, the role of education in the society can never be underestimated. I will like to touch on three thematic areas which make education the foundation of society.

Firstly, I would personally say am very passionate about this peculiar topic as a professional teacher graduated from the University and doing a National service in one of the hinterland areas in my country.

I believe you will side with me that, education begins at home?
Educated parents are likely to train their wards or children in a more healthy and educated lifestyle. An educated pregnant woman will see to her pre and antenatal care, immunization and the education of their children. Hence, these form a strong foundation for the child’s development whilst the illiterate may have a lukewarm attitude towards this critical task as they groom the future leaders of the society.

Educated parents create an interactive atmosphere for their children’s social and academic development. 
This helps the parents to identify and enhance the strengths or competencies of the child. This then helps the child as he grows to understand him or herself better and find ways to pursue their passion or latent talent. This creates maximum significance in innovation and technology which helps in building a strong foundation and future for the society.

Common sense also suggests that a child who develops well physically, mentally, socially and emotionally during the early years are more likely to be a happy and productive member of society than who does not.

Secondly, the educational system which offers the ambiance in laying the brick for our future leaders and the future of the society shouldn’t be compromised.
As we strive to achieve the millennium development goal 2 (Universal primary education) through governments educational policies such as Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE). This policy is to erase the school fees paying system in order to help the poor who can’t afford to pay school fees also to send their wards to school.

In my country and other countries like Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania and others who are implementing this policy has seen a 100 percent increase in the number on roll in the classroom. In my school, the number on roll for basic 1 is 97 pupils.

Although this policy is helping, let’s ask ourselves, how will the student-teacher ratio be like?  And I believe that, standard of quality education remains a challenge.

You will side with me that, people doesn’t value free things! Their parents have been psychologically affected by this policy, as they believe everything about their ward’s education should be borne by the government. 

However, there are some petty items the pupil will need in the classroom and the parent should be able to provide them for the child without waiting on the overburdened government to provide at an appropriate time. Such of these items are books, pencils, slates and crayons.

NGO’s, social clubs and other community development agencies are to support governments in the stead it is lacking like providing infrastructure, educational resources and other ways to motivate the teacher. For re-engineering education is not enough, we must participate in re-engineering the way education is re-engineered.

I also urge governments not to politicize issues relating to education. But to inject more of its resources and enhance the vocational and technical institutions to serve those who were not able to make it through the formal educational system.
Education it’s the life-blood of the society and it should be treated with much attention and concentration through robust strategies and a concrete long-term vision towards solidifying the backbone and future of the society.

Lastly, is about the educated individuals who hold the society. “When asked how superior the educated is to the uneducated. Aristotle answered, as the living is to the dead”. ~ Diogenes Cornelius
The educated individuals fill up the various occupations like Architects, teachers, doctors, pastors, nurses, entrepreneurs, leaders etc. These people cast the anchor of the society by steering its affairs for the socio economic development of the society and the nation as a whole.

Educated individuals understand themselves, their culture, acquire occupations, vote, and volunteer, raise healthier, better educated children and are likely to question the discrepancies and support policies of the government which aids the society to achieve financial stability. They also observe the rights and participate in the building of the socio-economic agenda of the society and the country as a whole.

We can still say proudly that, as education is the foundation of society, is like the breath of the human, the light in the darkness, the life among the dead, the engine of the vehicle and the future of the nation.
Then I ask, how are we preparing ourselves and for that matter our society for an improving future?

“Make me the master of education and I undertake to change the world”. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Power Of Reading.

Let’s take a look at these statistics, 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives. 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college. 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
57 percent of new books are not read to completion.
(Source: Jerold Jenkins,

With this information we can then tell that most of the youth does not find time to improve themselves through reading of good books. This is one of my favorite quotes that keep me reading and it’s by Ralph Waldo Emerson, this how he puts it, “A man is known by the number of books he reads”. Then I can ask this question that how many books have you read so far?

I will like to throw more light on three facets of this subject. These aspects are
 A. Power of reading
B. Improving your vocabulary
C. Applying what you read

Power of reading;
Reading is not just a process that is to be ‘achieved’ but is all about power- the power of imagination, the power of gaining messages through literature and the power to gaining ideas from the contemporaries and great forefathers of our time, that can change how you think. If you will want to meet the likes of the wise Confucius, the questioner Aristotle, the thinker Einstein, most revered Mohandas Gandhi, the valiant Martin Luther King Jnr etc. then you will happily meet them in their books.
“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of the past centuries.” 
- Descartes

“To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.” 
-A C Grayling Financial Times(in a history of reading by Albert Manguel)

Improving your vocabulary;
I believe, this is one the numerous benefits that one educes by reading. I found myself doing an attachment with a newspaper organization as a Proofreader and this really improved my vocabulary. When I am reading the papers before they are being published, I take the pain to check the meaning of all words I don’t know in a dictionary I have on my phone, for their meaning and write them down in order to memorize them. You can also try this and it will help brighten the corner you are. “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”  –Dr. Suess, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

Applying what you read;

Personally, what sense does it make when one does not apply what he reads? “The essence of knowledge is having it, to apply it, not having it, to confess your ignorance”-anonymous. From the onset I find a wonderful idea in a book I am reading, I then start implementing it. I remember, a friend of mine made a comment that, “don’t mind Patrick, he always comes and try to play with our minds by the things he had read”.  Apply whatever you read from good books and you will be amazed by the results. “A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.”
 - Henry David Thoreau

In a nutshell, what we should know is to start cultivating this habit of reading and once we commit to it the rewards will follow. I have heard most of my friends made statements like, “when I finish school am done with learning.” I then laugh in my mind. I will advocate the idea of being a lifelong learner, Lets all continue reading towards our quest to become better leaders and create better societies. Let’s ponder over these quotes and reflect on them:

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read”. - Mark Twain

“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Fredrick Douglass

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx

“So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.”- Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Key Advice To Young Women Who Seek Marriage.

Am speaking from the point of a man who plays a critical role in what women need, which is marriage. I once had a female friend from the early days to the final year of my University education. She was such a lovely young woman. I loved sharing my ideas and circumstances with her. She was also always there to listen to me and help me find solutions and make decisions.

I must say, she was the lady who really gained my respect and trust. She was very different with the way she dressed and how she communicated with me. She dressed decently without exposing some parts of her body and spoke gracefully with me. We were very close for about three to four years. She witnessed a radical transformation in my life.

The crux of my meeting with this virtuous young woman was relationship and even if, everything goes on perfectly to marry her after we attained our degree from the university. This girl friend never had sex nor even allowed me kiss her within those years. There were opportunities I tried and tried but this young lady never gave in for me to enjoy this pleasure. I felt bad at times when my friends asked me if I had been able to hit the mark. Then the answer was obviously no!

Honestly, this friend of mine because of the image she created to me during those years. I will say any man who will marry her have married a true, virtuous marriage material.

Why? Because, she resisted me from having sex with her, but all a while, supported me, made room for my company and did what every woman will do for her man. This I will say, have made me speak about her in this piece.

How will you answer this my reader? What is the essence in it if you want to pay for something you cherish and fortunately, you had this valuable thing on a silver platter? You will not value this item anymore, right?

This replicates itself when you let the guy you want to marry have sex with you before the marriage ceremony. Even though, we men will love to have it, create a room where we can be with you but not to have the valuable thing. Being there for us, discussing and planning the future, taking actions towards the plans that will help both of us enjoy the future we anticipate.

I will say, this guy will respect you (but some men might not let you know), it builds trust and offers a very solid foundation for the relationship or marriage to thrive.

I will say premarital sex have made room for the many street children, the many divorces crippling our marriages and other social problems.

If you are a young woman who really wants to get married to a man, never commit such lawless and uncompromising mistake, because it will end you up with a broken heart, feeling cheated and wondering why every guy comes into your life and leaves you. You might then attribute it to spiritual or superstitious beliefs, which might be wrong.

Hold on to your precious equity until you have that precious gem on your finger and your precious man will adore, respect, appreciate and honour you as the God - sent gift to him.

This is my advice to you my female reader. I know if we get more of such ladies for marriage, myself and other men who want virtuous young women will appreciate this piece and it will also bring a social change into my community and the world as a whole.

I dedicate this article to that my girl friend and to all young women who will stand on their grind and keep themselves into their marriage. May God bless them and their marriages.

Am most grateful for your time and I believe if you apply what you have learnt here, you will see and manifest all and even more as I have mentioned here. Cheers and have a blessed day.

Thank you!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Heart Of the Little Girl (True Story)

It was a hot sunny Sunday afternoon after I had a nap. I stood in front of our mart and was thinking where the wind comes from, as it blows through the leaves of the trees in various directions and we feeling it around our succulent bodies. It left me pondering while I sit in front of the mart admiring nature.

In some few minutes, I saw these two little girls around three years old walking together, chatting and living in their own world. There was one among them I knew. She was called Perpetual. Her mother is a fruits seller just opposite our mart. Her mother sells fruits like apples, pineapples, watermelons, oranges and bananas.

Suddenly, I heard this little girl heartily crying and heading to her mothers’ place without her friend. After a while, I saw Perpetual happily running towards the direction her friend went with two bananas in her hand. 

She even stumbled but didn't fall, one of the bananas she was holding fell because the rate at which she was running to catch up with her friend was high.

I shouted at her to take her time, her mother busted out that, the reason Perpetual was running was that, she was running to catch up with her friend and give her one of the bananas so that they could enjoy together.

I thought about the gesture of this little girl and felt fascinated to share with you my reader. I will ask you my reader, what do you make of this act Perpetual exhibited?

This little girl has seen the need to share what she had with her friend. The action Perpetual exhibited speaks a lot to me and reminds me of the golden rule ‘do unto others what you want others to do unto you'. How many times have you seen a friend whose shoes were worn out and you gave him or her one of your shoes? 
When you see a friend whose clothes are tattered, what then comes into your mind?

The act of benignity of this little girl serves to me as a wake up call to share what I have, to be kind to others and as we share or give unto humanity. We share be replenished in a thousand fold. May this little girl’s gesture remind you whenever you find yourself in such situation. Let’s give and it share always be given unto us. Lets always be guided by this principle and we will live a life worth remembering.

I am most grateful to have you spend your time reading this article, let’s keep a positive mental attitude and it’s my prayer everything works together for our good.

Thank you and let’s meet here again on this blog. Have a blessed day!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Trickster - Ex-convict Preacher Caught In A Bus (True story).

It was a cool sunny day around 4: 30pm, where I got onto a bus. As I got on the bus, there were few people onboard which made me question myself that, when will this bus be full? I spotted a pawpaw seller down the pavement, I observed as she peeled the pawpaw appealing and ordered her to bring me some to buy. As I was enjoying the slices of pawpaw, I looked through the opened window and right beside the pawpaw seller, a young man in an ash short sleeve graph shirt with a bag at his back and who was also enjoying an orange stood at the entrance of the bus. He threw the finished orange onto the pavement and entered the bus.

I immediately paused the music on my ipod as this young man begun to speak to us. He started that, he was an orphan and that, sometime ago, he was working at the harbor, some items got lost and some other colleagues and himself were wrongly accused and they were sentenced into prison. He was released not long ago and even a police officer around the area taught he was lying as he shared his story of the experience in the prison cells. This made the policeman to enquire from other police officers to certify that he was actually not a fugitive.

Moreover, he needed to get to kpando (a village in the Volta region) where his relatives were and he could start something on his own (All this while he had a small blue Bible in his hand covering his mouth). He continued that, he was left with nothing to travel with and he was so hungry. He even drew people’s attention to the fact that, if they had diaries, they should note today’s date and write that they made a donation to an orphan prisoner and that, it’s a seed they have sown into the lives and they will reap it in thousand fold in the future. He said a lot about the sad life of prisoners concerning; the way they eat malnutrition diets, how they sleep on their sides, forty people are clustered in a small room and men selling themselves for food (gay). He also talked about how he was transformed by a visited preacher’s book and how he also helped others by not letting them involve in gay but taught them the word of God. He also quoted the Holy Bible in some instances and counseled passengers to be prayerful at all times.

Passengers on the bus felt sympathetic and started giving this man some monies. When this man collects the money, he says a very big thank you amidst expressing God’s blessings onto your life and even started prophesying to an old man who donated that, “if he had a daughter, he should make his daughter do a day fasting on the day she was born and she will become a great lawyer for the family” (Holding this old man’s hand as he says all these).

Other passengers who wanted God’s blessings gave to him and he also said a lot unto their lives. Gradually, the bus was getting full and he needed to get off the bus.

Before he left, I felt to also give this orphan and a wrongfully prosecuted ex-convict something to feed with, I called him closer to my seat, he made a step forward and stretched his hand as I give him the money. I made a suggestion to him that, he could write a book from the experience he had from the prison and that people are going to buy and it will also earn him some income to carter for some of his necessities.

He replied that, “he had a jotter in his bag and he had started already with that”. I then said, “fine! And I will not expect to see him begging for arms again” and he joyfully replied that, never, he will be going to his hometown to start a farm.

As he was about to get down, I ask of his name and he replied that, he was called ‘Mark Apoh’ (even spelling the ‘Apoh’ for me to note it well). He got down and the bus moved us safety to our destinations.

On the next day, which was on the 21st September, 2012 around 12 – 1 am midnight, after I had completed with an event I was participating in and was been escorted by my cousin and her husband who came to support me. I got to the bus station and gladly there was a bus ready and waiting to send us to our destinations.

I was the first person to get onto the bus, feeling very hungry, I called an ice cream seller to bring me one ice cream and one pastry. He hurriedly brought it and he also got me some credit for my phone. All this while, other passengers were on boarding the bus and soon the bus was ready to move.

As we moved, I heard a voice from two rows back near the window, this man was holding a New Testament Bible (the small blue Bible in hand covering his mouth with it). He told us to bow down our heads for him to pray with us. He offered a touching prayer (fluently in English) to the Most High God and started with his plea for passengers to help him with some money and that, he was an orphan and he was then a prisoner and he needed money to transport him to his home in Tarkoradi.

I realized this was Mark Apoh again! I waited for him to say all that he had to say. This time he was no more going to Kpando but to Tarkoradi, that was where his family was. Once a man gave him money, he said, if the man had a daughter, her daughter should do fasting on the day she was born. He uttered the same words as he said in the other bus to the old man.

I asked myself, how could this happen? I called out his name ‘Mark Apoh’ for the first time, maybe he didn’t hear so I called him again and this time he responded, all the passengers turned to watch me as I started that, 

I had met him the day before in another bus and the passengers in that bus had contributed some amount for him to use as transportation home and not to be begging for arms again in Accra. Mark was trying to defend himself but the destination of going to Tarkoradi and not to Kpando this time exposed him that he was a trickster. I turned and could see Mark bowed down his head his in shame.

All passengers in the bus were astonished, they started murmuring and groaning. One man told the driver to alight ‘Mark Apoh’.

The long and short of this true experience was that, we should be careful with the people who in the name of God come and ask for our help. Mark Apoh, that night smelled massively of drugs which the people seated beside him complained after he had gotten down, however, due to his confidence and public speaking ability, he was able to outwit me and other passengers to give him monies.

We are in the end time and there is no doubt about that, people and devising strange and bad ways to make money for themselves but I will say ‘caution’ so that you don’t fall a prey to someone. Let’s be sober but vigilant in all our ways. There are some false ministers of God also going round in the name of the Almighty God and dubiously making money for themselves. Not left out are also some politicians who will come to fill your bellies with words and if you vote them into power, you already know the results.
 Lets be cautious and not to be taken for granted or deceived. Thank you for your time spent with me, let’s keep a positive attitude, expect the best and believe everything is working together for our good. Cheers and have a good one!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Love For Our Nation Must Come First.

“Let our pupil be taught that he does not belong to himself but that he is a public property. Let him be taught to love his family, but let him be taught at the same time that he must forsake and even forget them when the welfare of his country requires it” – Benjamin Rush

There was an incident I encountered at the Taxis and buses station one evening. It was around 5pm, where normally most workers after work come and board cars to their various destinations.

This place is commonly characterized with long passenger queues waiting for their turn to onboard a vehicle which is heading to their destinations, hawkers selling, buses trooping in and out of the station. At this point, as some passengers acquire their need from the hawkers, they also take advantage and sell their wares to them.

I was in one of these long queues waiting patiently for a bus, when a young man infront of me just dropped an empty water sachet on the floor, immediately my conscience triggered me that it was not the right thing the man had done. I quickly suggested to the young man that, he should pick it because it was not right. He agreed and willing picked the sachet and added it to the things he was carrying. I thanked him for that gesture.

In some few minutes, a gentleman who was actually even well dressed than the guy infront of the man who picked the rubber just called a hawker who was selling water, bought one, drunk it and after threw the rubber on the floor. I questioned myself, ‘is this intentional?’ because, if he might not have seen what happened, he might have heard it.

I moved two steps forward and suggested this gentleman to pick the waste, he boldly turned and told me confidently that, “some people will come and sweep the premises so he was not picking the trash”. This was because a waste management company has been contracted by the government to clean various parts of the country.

I then picked the empty water sachet and held on to it. This situation let me understood that, this gentleman did not care about the multiple effect his action will have on other citizens and the nation as a whole - if the rubber was going to end up in a gutter by either wind or rain, it will cause stagnation of water, breed mosquitoes which cause malaria and also can even cause flooding, which can take other people’s lives and displace others, if there be many rubbers choking the gutters to prevent free drainage.

He didn’t think about it this way too: that it does not speak well of his country, if tourists visit this country and find out how filthy the country is, and what will be the effect of that on the country and many more.

If you have the sense of nationalism as a citizen you will behave otherwise.

I have also observed that, most of the politicians have lost their sense of nationalism. They first speak from their parochial interest, then their political stand and later the country. This shouldn’t have been so, for a politician, the interest of the welfare, wellbeing of the citizenry and the utmost development and progress of your country must be your prime aim and objective. But some of our politicians nowadays are blinded by greed, cheap propaganda to win cheap political scores and this makes them forget about their sole duty for which they were elected into office – to bring about development and better living conditions for the people.

I have also observed that, some party supporters and sympathizers most often cloud at party offices and demand money from these politicians instead of them edging the politicians to implement developmental projects in their communities. These politicians see this as a way of luring these people to vote them again into power. I ask the question that, “where do the politicians get the money all the time to satisfy these money-minded party supporters”?

It’s my prayer that the spirit of nationalism will rain in the hearts of the youth and especially the budding young leaders of this nation. Let the love of our country outweigh and surpass any other motive in your cause and doings, if we cultivate this, I believe strongly that, there will be a paradigm shift in the state of our country and its inhabitants.

“Every good citizen makes his country’s honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defence and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it”. ~ Andrew Jackson

“A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle: and partrotism is loyalty to that principle”. ~ George William Curtis

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

PERSONAL CREED (All Rights Reserved)

I will believe in GOD through CHRIST Jesus;

For everything is working together for my good,

I will always have a positive mental attitude,

I will smile and laugh to living creatures I meet,

I will always see something positive in every situation,

I will learn from mine and others mistakes,

I will be generous in my capacity to anyone who needs my help,

Be a lifelong learner,

Will inspire others to create positive change in their communities,

Be an active world citizen,

Give all back to my community through my service and contributions,

Always acknowledge GOD and everyone who contributes positively to my life.

by Patrick Adjei Nketia

All poems and quotes on this blog, unless attributed are copyrighted property of Patrick Adjei Nketia

Monday, August 27, 2012

QUOTES by Patrick Adjei Nketia


1.      “Education is not a justification of better life but the dynamism of your personality”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

2.      “Think deep to analyze and envisage the state of your life”. -  Patrick Adjei Nketia

3.      “Broken homes break the hearts of the children”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

4.      “To try is better than to stay put”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

5.      “The way you carry yourself reflects the way you think about yourself”. -  Patrick Adjei Nketia

6.      “It pays for one to be emotionally matured and mentally strong”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

7.      “Nothing is better than generosity; never regret you did a favor”. -  Patrick Adjei Nketia

8.      “Brainstorming is the key to business startups”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

99.      “Don’t mind the rubbish I write, but seek to understand the wisdom it connotes”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

10.  “Speak and write who you want to become”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

11.  “Things happen in my life which I have seen already”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

12.  “Creative imagination begets invention whilst synthetic imagination begets innovation”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

13.   “Appreciate others and you will also be appreciated”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

14.  “Positive self talk builds a positive self image”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

15.  “A man of prayer is a man with power”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

16.  “Things happen in my life, which I have seen already”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

17.  “I jump to the sky when you comment on my creative work” -  Patrick Adjei Nketia

18.  “We are royals to a heavenly king”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

19.  “Move from your comfort zone to make strides, stay to regret in future”. -  Patrick Adjei Nketia

20.  “Ignorance and naivety is not an excuse, personal development is the key”- Patrick Adjei Nketia

21.  “Share happiness and you will receive it back”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

22.  “I have a wide appetite for knowledge and wisdom, so I read to satisfy myself”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

23.  “Life is not measured by wealth but by the grace of God”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

24.  “Education must enhance an individual to think and progress for the greater better good of his people and their environs”.  - Patrick Adjei Nketia

25.  “Today is made for your good, smile and be grateful for it”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

26.  “Upon becoming a good writer, one ought to read good books”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

27.  “To become a great writer, one ought to be a great reader”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

28.  “If you are willing to work, you are willing to succeed”. - Patrick Adjei Nketia

29.  “To have a definiteness of purpose is to operate at your extreme potentiality”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

30.  “Do beyond expectation and you will be rewarded beyond expectation.”- Patrick Adjei Nketia

31.  “Depend on yourself and take actions and not on your government”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

32.  “Admit self-responsibility in your failures and defeats”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

33.  "Always build your credibility as a leader and your followers and other people will definitely buy into your ideas". ~ Patrick Adjei Nketia

34.  “Let prayer leap before you step” ~ Patrick Adjei Nketia

35.  “Through dreams and visions, God whispers into our soul”. ~Patrick Adjei Nketia.

36.  “Be a solution and not a pollution to your generation.”- Patrick Adjei Nketia

37.  ‎Don't look at the length of the script or the size of the book... just begin to READ." ~Patrick Adjei Nketia 

38.  “Do the uncommon to realize the uncommon.”~Patrick Adjei Nketia

39.  “Look not into the past with guilt, let your future be the remedy.”~Patrick Adjei Nketia

40.  "What do you stand for? I stand to create positive impact in the lives of people and my communities”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia

41.  "Am most grateful for this life and the pleasant people I harmonize and fraternize with"~ Patrick Adjei Nketia

42.  "It’s the meaning you give to the situations, I see something POSITIVE in every negative situation."~Patrick Adjei Nketia

43.  “Affirm your affirmations, be grateful for the day, laugh at yourself, smile to others, act with kindness and expect the POSITIVE”.~ Patrick Adjei Nketia

44.  “LIVE every moment to the fullest, make the BEST out of every minute, every hour, every day and every week. For when its spent it can't be retrieved.”~Patrick Adjei Nketia

45.  “Education is not intelligence”. – Patrick Adjei Nketia

46.  “Leaders are initiators and participators”. – Patrick Adjei Nketia

47.  “I don’t just look outside for the beauty but I look inside for the attitude”. – Patrick Adjei Nketia (27/7/12

48.  “We are on a journey with no timebound but we can’t afford to waste time”.- Patrick Adjei Nketia (24/7/12)

49.  “The seed decays before it geminates, endure tribulations and hard times so that you will appear refined and matured”- Patrick Adjei Nketia

50.  “Once you cannot sure of the happenings in the future, you need not to procrastinate your doings” – Patrick Adjei Nketia

All poems and quotes on this blog, unless attributed are copyrighted property of Patrick Adjei Nketia