All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN

About Me

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I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pretty Girl Felt Bad Because Of Her EGO.

I believe you would like to be associated with leaders don't sit down for things to get out of hand but leaders who are concerned and provides solution?

As I was coming from a dusty curve into a main dusty street, the sun was scorching and made me thirst. As I entered the main street, I saw this beautiful young girl, I mean beautiful! There was an old lady with a stick limping behind her. This young lady had just finished drinking from a sachet water and proudly threw the empty plastic waste onto the road like she was throwing a tennis ball.

It suddenly caught my attention and I said," a beautiful girl like you and you are acting this way?" Her face gestured the guiltiness of her act, it made her paused, looked back at the plastic and looked back at me again(I stood to see what she would do next). As she took another step from egotism, the old lady(her grand mother) picked the rubber behind her.

I felt something within and I busted out saying, "Your grand-mum have picked the rubber". I think she motioned to her grand-mum and the old lady dropped it unto the ground.

I went back and picked the went plastic water sachet, straightened it, folded it and placed it into my pocket to put in a bin I will see.

The young girl asked me, but the enviroment is already dirty? I replied that, she should serve as an example for others to follow so that, the place will be clean.

Her ego again, made her interrupt by saying "its okay! Its okay!

So as I want to be associated with a noble cause, I believe so do you?
Then lets be conscious of your acts, let them be geared towards doing the RIGHT things even when no one is watching.

With a clean mind, we will see a clean Ghana.

"Clean Mind, clean Ghana"campaign project.

Thank you.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Education the Foundation of Society

 “Education is more than a luxury; it’s the responsibility that society owes to itself” – Robin Cook

“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”- G.K. Chesterton

Society and education are bedmates. Since time in memorial, society and education had rub shoulders with each other to augment the progressive development of humanity. And for that matter, the role of education in the society can never be underestimated. I will like to touch on three thematic areas which make education the foundation of society.

Firstly, I would personally say am very passionate about this peculiar topic as a professional teacher graduated from the University and doing a National service in one of the hinterland areas in my country.

I believe you will side with me that, education begins at home?
Educated parents are likely to train their wards or children in a more healthy and educated lifestyle. An educated pregnant woman will see to her pre and antenatal care, immunization and the education of their children. Hence, these form a strong foundation for the child’s development whilst the illiterate may have a lukewarm attitude towards this critical task as they groom the future leaders of the society.

Educated parents create an interactive atmosphere for their children’s social and academic development. 
This helps the parents to identify and enhance the strengths or competencies of the child. This then helps the child as he grows to understand him or herself better and find ways to pursue their passion or latent talent. This creates maximum significance in innovation and technology which helps in building a strong foundation and future for the society.

Common sense also suggests that a child who develops well physically, mentally, socially and emotionally during the early years are more likely to be a happy and productive member of society than who does not.

Secondly, the educational system which offers the ambiance in laying the brick for our future leaders and the future of the society shouldn’t be compromised.
As we strive to achieve the millennium development goal 2 (Universal primary education) through governments educational policies such as Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE). This policy is to erase the school fees paying system in order to help the poor who can’t afford to pay school fees also to send their wards to school.

In my country and other countries like Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania and others who are implementing this policy has seen a 100 percent increase in the number on roll in the classroom. In my school, the number on roll for basic 1 is 97 pupils.

Although this policy is helping, let’s ask ourselves, how will the student-teacher ratio be like?  And I believe that, standard of quality education remains a challenge.

You will side with me that, people doesn’t value free things! Their parents have been psychologically affected by this policy, as they believe everything about their ward’s education should be borne by the government. 

However, there are some petty items the pupil will need in the classroom and the parent should be able to provide them for the child without waiting on the overburdened government to provide at an appropriate time. Such of these items are books, pencils, slates and crayons.

NGO’s, social clubs and other community development agencies are to support governments in the stead it is lacking like providing infrastructure, educational resources and other ways to motivate the teacher. For re-engineering education is not enough, we must participate in re-engineering the way education is re-engineered.

I also urge governments not to politicize issues relating to education. But to inject more of its resources and enhance the vocational and technical institutions to serve those who were not able to make it through the formal educational system.
Education it’s the life-blood of the society and it should be treated with much attention and concentration through robust strategies and a concrete long-term vision towards solidifying the backbone and future of the society.

Lastly, is about the educated individuals who hold the society. “When asked how superior the educated is to the uneducated. Aristotle answered, as the living is to the dead”. ~ Diogenes Cornelius
The educated individuals fill up the various occupations like Architects, teachers, doctors, pastors, nurses, entrepreneurs, leaders etc. These people cast the anchor of the society by steering its affairs for the socio economic development of the society and the nation as a whole.

Educated individuals understand themselves, their culture, acquire occupations, vote, and volunteer, raise healthier, better educated children and are likely to question the discrepancies and support policies of the government which aids the society to achieve financial stability. They also observe the rights and participate in the building of the socio-economic agenda of the society and the country as a whole.

We can still say proudly that, as education is the foundation of society, is like the breath of the human, the light in the darkness, the life among the dead, the engine of the vehicle and the future of the nation.
Then I ask, how are we preparing ourselves and for that matter our society for an improving future?

“Make me the master of education and I undertake to change the world”. ~ Gottfried Wilhelm.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Power Of Reading.

Let’s take a look at these statistics, 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives. 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college. 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
57 percent of new books are not read to completion.
(Source: Jerold Jenkins,

With this information we can then tell that most of the youth does not find time to improve themselves through reading of good books. This is one of my favorite quotes that keep me reading and it’s by Ralph Waldo Emerson, this how he puts it, “A man is known by the number of books he reads”. Then I can ask this question that how many books have you read so far?

I will like to throw more light on three facets of this subject. These aspects are
 A. Power of reading
B. Improving your vocabulary
C. Applying what you read

Power of reading;
Reading is not just a process that is to be ‘achieved’ but is all about power- the power of imagination, the power of gaining messages through literature and the power to gaining ideas from the contemporaries and great forefathers of our time, that can change how you think. If you will want to meet the likes of the wise Confucius, the questioner Aristotle, the thinker Einstein, most revered Mohandas Gandhi, the valiant Martin Luther King Jnr etc. then you will happily meet them in their books.
“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of the past centuries.” 
- Descartes

“To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries.” 
-A C Grayling Financial Times(in a history of reading by Albert Manguel)

Improving your vocabulary;
I believe, this is one the numerous benefits that one educes by reading. I found myself doing an attachment with a newspaper organization as a Proofreader and this really improved my vocabulary. When I am reading the papers before they are being published, I take the pain to check the meaning of all words I don’t know in a dictionary I have on my phone, for their meaning and write them down in order to memorize them. You can also try this and it will help brighten the corner you are. “The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”  –Dr. Suess, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

Applying what you read;

Personally, what sense does it make when one does not apply what he reads? “The essence of knowledge is having it, to apply it, not having it, to confess your ignorance”-anonymous. From the onset I find a wonderful idea in a book I am reading, I then start implementing it. I remember, a friend of mine made a comment that, “don’t mind Patrick, he always comes and try to play with our minds by the things he had read”.  Apply whatever you read from good books and you will be amazed by the results. “A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint. What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.”
 - Henry David Thoreau

In a nutshell, what we should know is to start cultivating this habit of reading and once we commit to it the rewards will follow. I have heard most of my friends made statements like, “when I finish school am done with learning.” I then laugh in my mind. I will advocate the idea of being a lifelong learner, Lets all continue reading towards our quest to become better leaders and create better societies. Let’s ponder over these quotes and reflect on them:

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read”. - Mark Twain

“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius

“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Fredrick Douglass

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx

“So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.”- Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory