All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN

About Me

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I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pretty Girl Felt Bad Because Of Her EGO.

I believe you would like to be associated with leaders don't sit down for things to get out of hand but leaders who are concerned and provides solution?

As I was coming from a dusty curve into a main dusty street, the sun was scorching and made me thirst. As I entered the main street, I saw this beautiful young girl, I mean beautiful! There was an old lady with a stick limping behind her. This young lady had just finished drinking from a sachet water and proudly threw the empty plastic waste onto the road like she was throwing a tennis ball.

It suddenly caught my attention and I said," a beautiful girl like you and you are acting this way?" Her face gestured the guiltiness of her act, it made her paused, looked back at the plastic and looked back at me again(I stood to see what she would do next). As she took another step from egotism, the old lady(her grand mother) picked the rubber behind her.

I felt something within and I busted out saying, "Your grand-mum have picked the rubber". I think she motioned to her grand-mum and the old lady dropped it unto the ground.

I went back and picked the went plastic water sachet, straightened it, folded it and placed it into my pocket to put in a bin I will see.

The young girl asked me, but the enviroment is already dirty? I replied that, she should serve as an example for others to follow so that, the place will be clean.

Her ego again, made her interrupt by saying "its okay! Its okay!

So as I want to be associated with a noble cause, I believe so do you?
Then lets be conscious of your acts, let them be geared towards doing the RIGHT things even when no one is watching.

With a clean mind, we will see a clean Ghana.

"Clean Mind, clean Ghana"campaign project.

Thank you.

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