“Education is more than a luxury; it’s the
responsibility that society owes to itself” – Robin Cook
“Education is simply the soul of a society as
it passes from one generation to another.”- G.K. Chesterton

I would personally say am very passionate about this peculiar topic as a
professional teacher graduated from the University and doing a National service
in one of the hinterland areas in my country.
believe you will side with me that, education begins at home?
parents are likely to train their wards or children in a more healthy and
educated lifestyle. An educated pregnant woman will see to her pre and
antenatal care, immunization and the education of their children. Hence, these
form a strong foundation for the child’s development whilst the illiterate may
have a lukewarm attitude towards this critical task as they groom the future
leaders of the society.
parents create an interactive atmosphere for their children’s social and
academic development.
This helps the parents to identify and enhance the strengths
or competencies of the child. This then helps the child as he grows to
understand him or herself better and find ways to pursue their passion or
latent talent. This creates maximum significance in innovation and technology which
helps in building a strong foundation and future for the society.
sense also suggests that a child who develops well physically, mentally,
socially and emotionally during the early years are more likely to be a happy
and productive member of society than who does not.
the educational system which offers the ambiance in laying the brick for our
future leaders and the future of the society shouldn’t be compromised.
we strive to achieve the millennium development goal 2 (Universal primary
education) through governments educational policies such as Free Compulsory
Universal Basic Education (FCUBE). This policy is to erase the school fees
paying system in order to help the poor who can’t afford to pay school fees
also to send their wards to school.
my country and other countries like Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania and others who
are implementing this policy has seen a 100 percent increase in the number on
roll in the classroom. In my school, the number on roll for basic 1 is 97
this policy is helping, let’s ask ourselves, how will the student-teacher ratio
be like? And I believe that, standard of
quality education remains a challenge.
will side with me that, people doesn’t value free things! Their parents have
been psychologically affected by this policy, as they believe everything about
their ward’s education should be borne by the government.
However, there are
some petty items the pupil will need in the classroom and the parent should be
able to provide them for the child without waiting on the overburdened
government to provide at an appropriate time. Such of these items are books,
pencils, slates and crayons.
social clubs and other community development agencies are to support governments
in the stead it is lacking like providing infrastructure, educational resources
and other ways to motivate the teacher. For re-engineering education is not
enough, we must participate in re-engineering the way education is

it’s the life-blood of the society and it should be treated with much attention
and concentration through robust strategies and a concrete long-term vision
towards solidifying the backbone and future of the society.
is about the educated individuals who hold the society. “When asked how
superior the educated is to the uneducated. Aristotle answered, as the living
is to the dead”. ~ Diogenes Cornelius
educated individuals fill up the various occupations like Architects, teachers,
doctors, pastors, nurses, entrepreneurs, leaders etc. These people cast the
anchor of the society by steering its affairs for the socio economic
development of the society and the nation as a whole.
individuals understand themselves, their culture, acquire occupations, vote, and
volunteer, raise healthier, better educated children and are likely to question
the discrepancies and support policies of the government which aids the society
to achieve financial stability. They also observe the rights and participate in
the building of the socio-economic agenda of the society and the country as a
can still say proudly that, as education is the foundation of society, is like
the breath of the human, the light in the darkness, the life among the dead, the
engine of the vehicle and the future of the nation.
I ask, how are we preparing ourselves and for that matter our society for an
improving future?
me the master of education and I undertake to change the world”. ~ Gottfried
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