All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN

About Me

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I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Prostitutes Verses The Military Men

It was around 3:00 am, 12th April, 2013(Mothers day) when I was raised from my sleep to obey nature’s call. As I came back to the room and sat on my bed to say a word of prayer, I overheard some whisperings outside my un-curtained window.

I tried to peep who were those at that ungodly hour, as I looked, I saw two soldiers (uniformed but not armed) who were trying to communicate to each other on a very low tone. I stood there trying to make a view of their faces but they had their caps on. However, intermittently they took it off and wear it again.

Eventhough I heard a few statements like, “you are afraid lets go” and “as for me I am going oo”, I could tell from their body language that, one was influencing the other to join him in an anticipated action.

Around and behind our house, were women selling their bodies for money. It suddenly came to mind that, these soldiers were on a mission to satisfy their libidos.

Unfortunately, as I was peeping, my un-curtained window lead me astray and these military men saw that, I was watching them silently all awhile. We kept eye ball to eye ball for about 8 seconds and I saluted them of which they responded. Immediately, I redrew from my post and went back to bed.

In some few minutes, I heard grievous feminine shouts amidst chanting of curses and deep insults echoing from where these prostitutes reside. I woke up from my bed to see what was happening.

As I peeped through my un-curtained window, I saw these two military men amidst about four civilians coming out with some bold steps from where ‘those’ women reside. There were two prostitutes who were furiously shouting and chanting curses on these military men and when they were asked by a friend to explain, one said, “one of the soldiers had come to enjoy himself and had paid 5 Gh cedis(which was below the standard amount of 20 Gh cedis) and when they questioned him, he refused to add up and tried to cause mayhem by assaulting the woman.

Some male friends of the prostitutes tried protecting their women and also to deal with the military men. This resulted that, the military men responded by spraying their pepper’s spray into the eyes of some of the male friends of the prostitutes.

It resulted in a havoc which caused many civilians within our area to awoke and come up to witness the scene.

What should make a man of the law trained to protect the civilian behave in this awkward way?

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Great piece..... The actions and inactions of our security personnel of late are unfortunate. Thanks for sharing....
