All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN

About Me

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I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

3 Tips You Need To Know As A Young Woman.

Few days ago, I was with a colleague worker on the field checking up on some clients. It was a sunny morning between the hours of 10 to 11GMT, people were busily following up on their daily routines and others were trooping to their work places.

We meet a client (an accountant) at the car park of their premises, he was talking on phone. As we stood observing him to finish with the call, so we could begin with our mission at their edifice - this man who was in a well ironed pink shirt with a pink tie which had blue spots was holding a book.

I exhibited a gesture to have a glance at the book of which he easily gave out whilst on the phone. The book was entitled ‘What Makes Great men Great’ written by a coauthor of ‘Think and Grow Rich’ the black choice.

After his conversation on the phone, we exchanged pleasantries and talked at length about the relevance of books. I could tell he was happy with the subject matter and he expounded some worthwhile knowledge he had about books.

Some profound statements he made after we took seats at his office were, “books are the only things he does not budget before he buys and that, if he wants to communicate with the great leaders in the past and present, he does that through reading”.

We had a wonderful talk, discussed business matters and we left for our other duties. There were other interesting learning experiences we encountered in the course of executing our duties.

Later in the day, we came to relax at our usual spot to take a drink and discuss what transpired in the course of carrying out our duties. As I sipped on my drink, I remembered the incident with the accountant at his office. I busted out with a question to my colleague, what she had learnt today?

She snapped! What have I leaned today? Nothing of course!

My eyes widened whilst I gazed at her surprisingly. I said to myself, “maybe due to the work through the day, she might be tired and find it difficult to reminisce”.

I then helped by given a glimpse into the office of the accountant and suddenly she busted out “aahh”.

As we tend to grow and improve upon ourselves, I see women to be important and precious companions to men. Almost everyman will love a woman who speaks gracefully, be a supportive backbone, a woman with a teachable attitude (Always willing to learn), a cheerful, hardworking and prudent woman to chat this arduous life. I humbly suggest these 3 tips to every woman who desires to be in this ilk.

“If a dove associates with crows, its colour remain white but its heart grows black” - Proverb

ENGAGE IN MEANINGFUL DISCOURSES; this speaks of your associates, the people you spend most of your time with. It may be your boyfriend or other girlfriends, ask yourself if the discussions and issues you debate or employ among yourselves add value and help you to improve upon yourself to be a better person (have a change in attitude).

Let’s remember that, what we discuss and talk about most tends to have a deep influence on our minds and of which reflects in the states of our lives. Our minds are influenced by what we listen to, what we see and the way we feel. You will bear with me that; as you associate with the rich, you will grow rich and vice versa. Therefore, the situation and state we are in now are as a result of what these had on our minds.

Therefore, as you desire to have a responsible husband and live a wonderful life, be with people who share meaningful discourses and these will have effect on your mind and it will reflect in your life so as you desire.

MAKE TIME TO REFLECT; every day in and out, life provides us with worthwhile learning opportunities which appear to us in different shapes and forms. It will require us to mull over these lessons and understand their worthy wisdom, knowledge and experience they connotes.

In our quest to improve upon ourselves and our lives, life presents to us with these lessons to help us learn some virtues and morals such as: self confidence, persistence, courage, positive mentality etc. - to refine us. 
These morals and virtues will neither be taught in our schools nor in the universities.

Then the onus lies on us to take up the challenge and reflect on our daily encounters to figure out these moments and re-think their reason and purpose for happening. See the positive side of every incident and be empowered by it manifestation.

MAKE USE OF IT; I have seen some young women who made mistakes, although humans are bond to make mistakes but these women don’t learn from their mistakes but repeat them and continue to leave a mediocre life. I then ask myself why? Is it that they don’t realize it or they just don’t learn from their previous mistakes?
“We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.” ― L.M. Montgomery

I will edge young women to make critical use of these learning opportunities; learning from yours and others mistakes, making time with elderly people and you will be amazed at the enlightenment that will be shared with you. You will acquire knowledge that might have taken you years to gain in a matter of minutes.

What is the essence if you have knowledge, experience, wisdom and you don’t make use of them? Let’s make it a habit to engage in meaningful discourses, reflect and ponder about situations, challenges and circumstances that come our way by seeing the positive side of every situation and make use of the latent learning opportunities that unfold during our daily lives - for as we apply these; they enhance our growth, maturity, refinement and our quest towards perfection for a better and richer life.

A million thanks for your time shared with me and I believe it will worth it as you practice what you have read here! Cheers and let’s keep in touch.

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