Marijuana, a versatile plant which has been with us since
time in memorial and has also served many useful purposes like for medicinal functions;
it fiber is used to make ropes, sacks and other useful materials.
There are myths about the smoking of this plant “marijuana”
or cannabis and some of these are; can help a student to study well, to open
the mind of the smoker to be wise, to harden or make the smoker bold or
courageous and when smoked, can send you to another state or world. I can say
point blank that there is no truism in the above and any others that you might
have heard.
As this stimulant drug has some good attributes, it also has
some serious demerits. In my part of the world, I have seen and known that,
many of the youth have fallen into the ill-usage of this plant. There is even
an adage that goes “too much of everything is bad”.
What disheartens me the most is that, these people are
between the ages of 15-28 and there is no doubt that these are the future
leaders of our countries - who have acquainted themselves with this dream
killer. It will interest you to know that, these youth who engage in the ill-usage
and abuse of this stimulant are talented and gifted people. If they are able to
stop this addiction, they unfold into astounding personalities in their
communities and the world at large.
In my part of the world, the first thing that will be
associated with a marijuana smoker is that he/she is going to get mad or the
person is worthless or aimless. I personally do not side with this belief but
since the majority of the people had believed and said it with their powerful
mouths, as well as, expecting it to be so and some smokers have reflected in
that light, it tends to be something else-of which will have a deeper meaning.
These are what I have experienced and observed about
marijuana and I would like share to with you my reader.
- Lost of help; as we all grow, at times before we
can stand on our feet, it will take the support from our parents and other
relatives. But as soon as our parents and our relatives got to know that one
has started smoking, they tend to lose hope and begin to perceive that this
person is going to be a worthless and aimless being in the society. Who does
not require or deserve any good thing or support. As a result of this, the smoker
now has to find other ways and means to make ends meet. This makes him now join
other smokers in the same ilk to indulge in social vices to make a living.
- Tagged as a black sheep; when a person starts to
smoke, definitely his attitude begins to change. There is a proverb that,
“birds of the same feathers, fly together”, he now begins to move with other
smokers and all they do is to go to the “Ghetto” (Where smokers meet to shares
ideas and smoke the herb). Since this drug is illegal, the police also come in to
arrest them because of the social vices some of them are engaged in. Which at
times is pathetic and humiliating as to the way they are treated when caught –
this attracts attention from the community to the smoker and this brings
disgrace in the highest order to the smoker himself and the family he
represents, making him been tagged as a black sheep in the community.
- The Spirit of fear; Since they are aware of the
bad act they are engaged in, they are full of fear whenever they are in the
ghetto or wherever they find themselves smoking. After they have even finished,
some even are engulfed in fear and that makes them not to even come closer to
other people, so they are mainly found in their own corner or with their
counterparts. Mostly, they also don’t want others to know about this
humiliating act they have entangled their self with, so then, I ask you my
reader, and what state are they in? The Holy book says, “He did not give us the
spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind”.
- Respiratory and other forms of sickness; aside
these physical faults smoking marijuana or cannabis causes serious respiratory
problems to the smoker. The chronic usage can even cause cancer. This stimulant
also dehydrates the smoker and he grows thin and never gets a fresh skin.
- Loss of focus; I witnessed some smokers who had
wonderful ideas to progress their life but as at now, they are as what they
were last five years. Some have even upgraded to to the abuse of cocaine and
their future and their lives are in a mess. What are you using your precious
talent for? What are you going to be remembered for?
You are in this world for a particular and peculiar
purpose-don’t allow yourself to be blinded and lured into a state of regret and
misery. You have a critical role to play in someone’s life and the development
of your family, your country and the world at large. “When an alligator comes
out of the pond to tell you that the crocodile is dead, you don’t doubt it” –
African Proverb
Until when are you still going to be a slave to this dream
killer? Rise up and Wise up!!! Cheers and let’s keep in touch.