Here is a platform where I display my creative works and also advertise what I do to my readers. My passion lies in Poetry, leadership and Entrepreneurship. Have a nice time with me in mind and hearts. Have a powerful day.
All Poems and quotes on this blog, unless otherwise attributed, are the copyrighted property of PAN
About Me

- patrick Adjei Nketia
- I am an energetic,creative,bold,self-motivated,GOD-fearing and a young professional striving for excellence in leadership and business. He is having a passion for poetry and personal development. Also like to communicate the idea of PEACE and the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes that, in our part of the world , if our leaders will do away with their self-seeking desires and crave for the betterment of their citizens, by free movement trade and people,eradicate war and hunger,ensure environmental sustainability, the world will be a better place to live. A firm handshake and may God bless us all in whatever we do. cheers.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Patrick Adjei Nketia
The white hot intent of man unseen
The colored book seen isn’t as the wisdom therein
Mourning with you but smiling cheerfully within
The outer seen might not be the inner unseen
The white hot intent of man unseen
Like opening the door happily and closing it murmuring
Like seeing the vile and after raising the vile
Like awakening from a horrifying dream
The white hot intent of man unseen
Greet you in the morning and will plan your obituary at night
Will honor you with his lips but he is far from you in his heart
“You can count on me” they say, but counting on them become countless
The white hot intent of man unseen
The outer seen might not be the inner unseen
The author is the Immediate Past President of Junior Chamber International-University of Cape
Coast. (JCI-UCC) Local Org. A certified trainer, a creative writer, motivational speaker, poet, self motivated,
God-fearing, social entrepreneur and a dynamic leader, who always communicate the
idea of PEACE, the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their
communities. He believes, through our collective efforts we can make Africa (our motherland) and
the world a better place.
Patrick Adjei Nketia,
Phone: +233 242 661230
NB: comments and recommendations are warmly welcome
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Patrick organizes TOURING events
It was such a fascinating experience where we presented 22 participants for this maiden event to "Nzulezu, a village on the lake tani" in the western region of Ghana.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Few days ago, after I spent some time at the library, I decided to come back to my hall of residence. On my way, I drunk a sachet of water and decided to hold on to it, since there was no dust bin nearby.
As I walked some few meters, I met a teaching assistant (A person who had good qualification grades and have been selected to assist lecturers in their work). Who was with a colleague and they were coming my way. Suddenly, I saw him threw a white rubber, from which he was enjoying a pastry, down the pavement.
I greeted him and said to myself, "you off all!"
Interestingly, there was a dust bin from where they were coming from. I picked his trash and added mine and dumped them into the bin.
This is not to prove myself sensible or wise but the right thing must be done! As individuals who had undergone or are now undergoing vigorous training to become role models of excellence, enlightenment and productivity ought to behave.
I was also behind four male students in the final days of my university education. We were walking on a pavement that leads to the market place. As we know, most of the time, there are nice lawns and grasses beside the pavements. Shewing to the fact that, we should walk on the pavement and not to trespass unto the lawns and grasses.
I could see from behind that, when it reaches some part of the pathway, you will have to go a few meters before you turn right or left. That part of the lawns has deflowered and some of the students in front of them had taking the vantage to tread on the grass and get to the other side of the road thinking they are being smart.
So as I watch them closely from behind and they were also chatting blithely, they came to that point of the pathway. The one who was close to that point, drifted unto the grass, I could hear one among them who was dominating their conversation passed a comment that, “if others are doing the wrong thing and do you also have to follow?”
I just saw him run with speed back to join them feeling humiliated by his wise act.
I followed them grinning and continued my walk.
It’s pathetic to see educated people in some small ways, exhibiting like illiterates but it shouldn’t be like that! I believe you bear with me?
From one article I read, Manu Goel a senior editor at wrote, Education has an immense impact on the human society. One can safely assume that a person is not in the proper sense till he is educated. It trains the human mind to think and take the right decision. In other words, man becomes a rational animal when he is educated.
A rational animal he says, and then you are an intellectual in that respect. Please do well to develop and prepare yourself to the uttermost. I believe the university is a platform for an individual to get polished for this arduous world ahead even though, we continue to learn in this journey of life.
In order not be an illiterate graduate, here are some few tips you can gear your actions towards;
· Use your commonsense even though commonsense is not common. Please exercise sound judgment in your activities and believe in yourself to stand for the right. Though, you will be ridiculed by others for being different.
· Be open-minded; in that always seek to be ready to entertain new ideas. This can be made out by attending conferences, seminars and workshops. Please let me tell you, expending my money and time attending these capacity-building programmes have indeed and truly aided in broadening my mind and impacted my life greatly.
· Be a leader; Do well to aspire for leadership positions. Take up opportunities to serve and this will also bring out the best in you. Aside that, it will better your teamwork, decision-making, critical thinking and public speaking skills. These will never be taught in your lecture rooms.
· Be an avid reader; please my reader, I will like to lay more emphases on this. We will attest to the fact that, we attend an institution basically to learn, however, we should make quality time to read outside our lecture notes and what is taught by our lecturers. As you improve upon your vocabulary, you learn and meet the great people who changed and are still changing our world positively. Do well to buy and read good books.
· Be a volunteer for once; do well to voluntarily extend a helping hand to the vulnerable and the people in need. You might want to learn a skill, learn a work that you have passion for. Volunteer to learn in that outfit. Also volunteer to travel, work and to see how other people are also living in other parts of your country and you will appreciate life while you marvel at the opportunities you open for yourself. I will recommend non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) like Junior Chamber Int. (JCI), AIESEC, Leadership empowerment clubs (LEC) and other volunteering organizations for you to join and you will never regret.
· Be a researcher; At times I read and I come up with some ideas of some writers. I ask myself, are they really saying the right thing? How can I know the truth? Unless you and I research. The internet nowadays, contains mind boggling information which will feed you with the right information you are searching. Not only should we “facebook” but also research into the deeper side life to awaken our consciousness and awareness of the secrets of this world.
· Embark on attachments/internships; in spite of the fact that, attachments and internships have been incorporated into the academic system. Some students do not find it pertinent to make use of it. My reader, apart from the knowledge you will acquire from the job market while you are in school. After you have graduated, every employer will like to employ a person with some hands-on experience.
Albert Kusi Prempeh (C.E.O of Leadership Empowerment clubs LEC) is a friend of mine who has dedicated his life to impact our generation through organizing of capacity-building programs and speaking to the youth to unearth their leadership potential. Albert has extended his tentacles to almost all the regions in Ghana while he was still in School pursuing his degree.
Fortunately, He had the opportunity to work with a renowned company right after his national service. Albert said to me, “Patrick, the manager told me one of his board members was saying, they should go in for an experienced person instead, but since the C.E.O of that company knew what Albert can do, he didn’t hesitate to entrust that job into his hands.
For a matter of fact, Albert had been organizing his programs in all the regions the company have allotted to him. He told me,” I know the terrain and how things work in all these places”. And I said to him,” all this while was your preparation stage”.
Though you might not gain your experience by organizing conferences or seminars, yours might be a small knowledge or skill you will learn or acquire when you embark on that attachment, when you volunteer, when you lead, when you decide to extend a helping hand to the vulnerable. And this will bring you greater joy in your quest for prominence, intellectual enlightenment and higher elevation.
I wish I could furnish you with more info, however, if you will only apply what you have read here. It will be a major step for greater accomplishments in your life.
Am most grateful you have spent your time with me and I believe it is worth it. Until we meet again on paper, let’s keep winning with our positive mental attitude!
Thank you and have a good one.
The author is the Immediate Past President of Junior Chamber International-University of Cape Coast. (JCI-UCC) Local Org. A certified trainer, a creative writer, motivational speaker, poet, self-motivated, God-fearing, social entrepreneur and a dynamic leader, who always communicate the idea of PEACE, the youth having a positive mental attitude and creating positive change in their communities. He believes, through our collective efforts we can make Africa (our motherland) and the world a better place.
Patrick Adjei Nketia,
Phone: +233 242 661230
NB: comments and recommendations are warmly welcome.